What is true love?

True Love

Love, what is love? It is unknowable, it is abstract, it is everything, and it is nothing, it is the most exalted religion, it is the most perfect code of ethics that connects us with God. Conscious love is the fruit of true understanding, which begins with the knowledge of ourselves and extends to our fellowmen. In esoteric work, self-knowledge is fundamental to the attainment of full happiness. Love, wisdom and happiness are intertwined and constitute one whole.

“Only great souls can and know how to love”.  

V. M. Samael Aun Weor

Gnosis is a call to change, an encounter with wisdom. Self-knowledge helps us to realize a total and complete transformation, which can no longer be postponed. We have a serious and urgent work to do and it must begin now, in ourselves.

In Gnosis one learns that love is not simply a human feeling or virtue. It is the mysterious force that organizes the entire universe, it is what gives true meaning to everything, it is the force that shapes the universe. Love has always been the greatest quest of human consciousness, although many do not realize this or agree that this is so. Everyone says they seek happiness, but happiness is just another word for love.

“I give you love, in which is contained the whole summum of wisdom”.

Hermes Trismegistus

How many types of love do there exist?

The Greeks used more than one word to denominate love: Eros, Philos and Agape.

  • Eros, the god of love, called Cupid by the Romans, shooting his arrow, represents the attribute that unites couples in marriage. It is the erotic love that beats in the hearts of lovers.
  • Philos is an expression of the love of friends. From this word the term philosophy is derived: love of wisdom.
  • Agape is the most exalted and sublime expression of love. It is selfless, undiscriminating, unconditional love, the love of God, the true expression of love. The love of a mother for her child comes close to the most exalted nature of true love.

How is God (Allah) present in couple’s love?

“God is love and His love creates and creates again. The delightful words of love lead to the ardent kiss of adoration. The sexual act is the real consubstantiation of love, in the tremendous psychophysiological realism of our nature”.

“Love begins with a flash of sympathy, is substantiated by the force of affection and is synthesized in adoration.”

V. M. Samael Aun Weor

Eros is the erotic love, true love between partners. Through the secrets of Alchemy, sacred Tantrism, Maithuna, we can achieve human regeneration, htat is, loving our spouse intensely. This helps us to understand that our creative energy not only engenders physical life, but also spiritual life. The wise management of our life-creating energy yields the blossoming of the golden embryo, the golden flower, the spiritual consciousness.

“We all have some electrical and magnetic forces, carrying a force of attraction or repulsion. Between lovers, this magnetic force is especially powerful and its action is far reaching….”.

V. M. Samael Aun Weor

How can I be sure about getting married with someone?

To think about marrying is to be willing to give everything for the one we love; it is to sacrifice our pain to make the other’s life more pleasant; it is to share triumphs and defeats; it is to respect the way of thinking, feeling and acting of our spouse; it is to set out each day with enthusiasm and security; it is to nurture consistently those endearments, caresses and affections that characterize courtship, which will ensure a long-lasting union; it is to learn to bow your head when you are corrected.

It is to be sure that this step is definitive in life and that, if you are not convinced of what you are going to do, the best thing to do is to wait.

It is knowing how to use your words without hurting or disrespecting your partner’s free will, because that is where resentments are born that damage harmony.

It is knowing how to value the other, above all for their moral values, for their integrity as a good person.It is to understand that this union must be based on the same ideals, on an affinity of thoughts, feelings and, of course, on physical attraction as a complement for these souls to triumph, as they embark on this Path of integration as a Couple”.

Ana Judith Gasca