Free Online Course of Self-Knowledge

Gnosis Egypt

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Who are you? Where do you come from? Where are you going? Discover the most intriguing mysteries that allow a human being to understand the real purpose of our existence. You are a mystery! Discover yourself

Some of the Topics we Study

The Egyptian civilization had at its core the search for the Sacred and Divine, the search for God, the spiritual and material development of man at all levels and in all dimensions.

Chakras and Mantras

The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel”. Chakras are energetic vortexes located in our astral body. They are magnetic centres that capture cosmic energies and transmute them so that we can assimilate them, transmitting them to our Vital and Physical bodies.

Astral Projection

Did you know that it is possible to consciously Access the “dream world”? This is the fifth dimension of nature: the Astral world. When we sleep, we separate from our physical body and have different, true experiences in this dimension of nature. However, we may not always be aware of this.

Emotional Intelligence

We all want happiness but we do not have it. We want to be happy, but it is not possible to be happy in a world of complication. It is not possible to be happy within this machinery of relativity.

Learn to meditate with Gnostic techniques and practices, not only to increase your well-being, but also to deepen your self-knowledge and study of yourself.

True medicine is the one that, besides curing the physical, cures other emotional and mental conditions by acting upon the organism and also the internal structure of the human being. 

Symbolism of Dreams

This book of symbolism of dreams is a compilation of extracts from various works and lectures by Master Samael Aun Weor and Master Lakhsmi’s book The Language of Dreams.

Human Relations

 Conscious love is the fruit of true understanding, which begins with the knowledge of ourselves and extends to our fellowmen. In esoteric work, self-knowledge is fundamental to the attainment of full happiness. Love, wisdom and happiness are intertwined and constitute one whole.

Self-Knowledge School

Science and Culture of Man
towards finding the Self

Our courses are free of charge. Places are Limited.

Gnosis Egypt

Our Story

Gnosis is a Greek term that means “Knowledge“, but not the type of intellectual external knowledge that we may find outside ourselves. It refers to universal wisdom, the divine intelligentce that has inspiried all ancient sages, masters, prophets and lies occult in the deepest areas of our inner world.

“Man, know yourself and you will know the Universe”

Gnostic Culture invites the human being to live with wisdom, a meaningful existence that may lead us to develop our inner potencial and discover our Real Inner Being . Gnosis studies the teachings left by the gratest masters of all times, like Jesus, Buddha, prophet Mohammed, Hermes Trismegistus, Socrates, Quetzalcoatl, Confucius, Samael Aun Weor, Lakhsmi Daimon, among others…

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Gnostic Library

Synthesis of Universal Knowledge

Gnostic Books
Essays about Gnosis
Tarot Meaning
The Symbol of the Dreams

What Our Students Say

"Most amazing I ever had!!"
- Bryan G
"Amazing Course!! Best ever!!"
- Laura Petracio
"I always visit the Center, and they always surprise me."
- Harold Z
"A must visit for every moment lover"
- Laura Petracio