What are the Chakras?


The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel”. Chakras are energetic vortexes located in our astral body. They are magnetic centres that capture cosmic energies and transmute them so that we can assimilate them, transmitting them to our Vital and Physical bodies.

The chakras are the senses of the Astral Body and are found in the fifth dimension. There are thousands of them, but the seven main ones are found along the spine and correlate with their respective organs. They also have a close relationship with our endocrine glands.

They stabilize life, transforming different types of energies that surround us (from the Cosmos, the Earth, living beings, etc.), stimulating our Vital and Physical bodies. When they are in balance, they bring us health, vitality, energy and harmony. When they are super-active, they give us psychic faculties and occult powers.

How many chakras do we have?

There are seven magnetic centres in the spinal cord. The Hindu sages called them Chakras. In fact, we have thousands of Chakras, but the seven main ones are connected with the seven important plexuses of the Greater Sympathetic Nervous System.

These seven centres contain all the powers of the Tattwas and are as follows:

  • The first centre is the Muladhara Chakra, located at the very base of the spine, at the coccygeal bone.
  • The second is the Swadhisthana Chakra (located in the prostate in men, the uterus in women).
  • The third is the Manipura Chakra, located in the region of the navel or Solar Plexus.
  • The fourth is the Anahata Chakra, located in the heart.
  • The fifth chakra of our spinal cord is Vishuddha and resides in the larynx.
  • The sixth chakra is the Ajna, or midbrow chakra, located between the eyebrows.
  • The seventh is the king of the chakras, called Sahashara, the Diamond Eye. This magnetic centre is the crown of the holy ones, it is located in the upper part of the brain and corresponds to the pineal gland.

The Crown Chakra:

Wonderful lotus flower with a thousand petals. This chakra gives us the faculty of polyvision. The crown chakra is characterized by the awakening of objective reason. It confers a profound vision of reality, enlightenment, total wisdom and is also related to sexual potency. Located at the top of the head, the corresponding gland is the pineal, which is the master gland of the entire glandular system of the body.

To develop this centre requires great devotion, willpower, sanctity and inner perfection. It is influenced by the punctas of ether. It is ruled by Saturn (in accordance with the order of the planets) and the first Logos, the Father. It confers on us the faculty of polyvision, which is the ability to see the ultra of nature.


The vocalisation of the vowel “I” activates this chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Sahasrara. This is the Church of Laodicea, the repository of wisdom and intelligence.

Frontal Chakra:

Vector illustration with symbol Ajna – Third Eye chakra and watercolor element on white background. Circle mandala pattern and hand drawn lettering. Colored.

Its Sanskrit name is Ajna. Wonderful two-petalled lotus flower which gives us the faculty of clairvoyance, conscious imagination and the spatial sense. The midbrow chakra enables us to understand archetypal images and gives us a sense of conscious justice.

Located between the eyebrows, it is related to the pituitary (hypophysis) gland. To develop this chakra, serenity is necessary. To see the higher worlds, one should not be overcome by anger, because this negative feeling destroys the midbrow chakra and our serenity. It is influenced by the punctas of the ether. It confers the faculty of clairvoyance, conscious imagination and spatial sense. It is ruled by Jupiter (according to the order of the planets) and by the Third Logos, the Holy Spirit. The vocalization of the vowel


Mantram “I” activates this chakra. This is the Church of Philadelphia. To develop it, the pure feeling of “love” must be born in us. This Church is passive, it is subtle. It is extremely vulnerable to any kind of mental or emotional event. Therefore, to be a true clairvoyant, one cannot be emotionally unbalanced.

“This is the eye of wisdom. In this magnetic centre dwells the Father who is in secret”.

Laryngeal Chakra:

Wonderful sixteen-petalled lotus flower that bestows upon us the faculty of clairaudience. The laryngeal chakra is characterized by creativity and communication, the sense of vibratory perception and the power of synthesis.

Located in the throat, the corresponding glands are the thyroid and parathyroid. To open this chakra, which is related to the intellect and the mind, we must learn to take care of the word, the verb. We must have only right words and right thoughts, right deeds. Right thinking, right feeling and right acting.

“It is as bad to speak when one should be silent as it is to be silent when one should speak. There are times when to speak is a crime, there are times when to be silent is also a crime”. 

Samael Aun Weor

This chakra receives the influence of the ether. It confers the faculty of clairaudience (magical hearing). It is ruled by the logos Samael (through the order of the planets) and the second Logos, the Christ.


The vocalization of the vowel “E” helps to activate this chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Vishuddha. This is the Church of Sardis. The throat is the womb that gestates the word. The word is a projection that expresses from the heart to the larynx and from the larynx outwards. The Holy Scriptures say that it is not possible to allow the same tongue to curse and bless.

“When the Kundalini opens the Church of Sardis, then it blossoms on our fertile lips as the verb”.

V. M. Samael Aun Weor

Heart Chakra

Wonderful twelve-petalled lotus flower which gives us the faculty of intuition and inspiration. The heart chakra is the seat of mysticism and spiritual devotion, of the sense of love and benevolence, it is the sun of our organism.

To open this centre we must know how to love. Love is the fundamental attribute for activating the heart chakra. For this, it is necessary to eliminate from our inner nature every atom of hatred and to develop conscious love. It is influenced by the principle of the element of air (Vayu) and also by the element of ether. It confers the faculty of intuition and inspiration. It is ruled by the Logos Michael and the planet Sun.

The heart chakra has 12 wonderful petals; it is a very beautiful lotus flower. In the East it is called Anahata and in Christian esotericism it is called the Church of Thyatira. In this precious chakra, during meditation, mystics can hear the Anahata sound, the sound of life, the subtle voice.

Meditation on the Anahata chakra, the lotus flower of the heart, develops the power to unfold in the astral body. We need to regain the powers of the Heart to use the astral keys successfully.


Vocalisation of the vowel “O” activates this chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Anahata. This is the Church of Thyatira, subject to thesis and antithesis.

“With the ascent of the Kundalini to the region of the heart, the Church of Thyatira comes into operation. The development of this centre confers inspiration, presentiment, intuition and the faculties to go forth consciously in the astral.”

V. M. Samael Aun Weor

Navel Chakra

Wonderful ten-petalled lotus flower which gives us the faculty of telepathy. The umbilical chakra controls the liver, spleen, kidneys and pancreas (control of sugars, secretion of insulin) and everything related to nutrition and digestion, transformation of impressions and the emotional centre.

It is also responsible for inner strength and is known as the Solar Plexus. In order to open this chakra, the special virtue needed is the control of emotions. For this, we need to work on the passions, gluttony, drunkenness etc. We must be balanced so as not to get carried away by emotions.

It is influenced by the principle of the element fire (Tejas) and confers the faculty of telepathy. It also develops the ability to command the elementals of fire, to remain within fire without being burned, and to master volcanoes (inner states of anger, for example). It is ruled by the Logos Uriel and the Planet Venus.


The vocalisation of the vowel “U” activates this chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Manipura. This is the Church of Pergamon.

“When the Sacred Serpent reaches the region of the navel, we can dominate the volcanoes, because the elemental fire of the wise corresponds to the Church of Pergamon, situated in the Solar Plexus”.

V. M. Samael Aun Weor

Sexual Chakra

Wonderful six-petalled lotus flower which gives us the possibility of consciously going out in the astral body. The main function of the prostatic or uterine chakra is to maintain vitality. Its characteristics are related to subconscious and archetypal thinking; the sense of responsibility and duty.


To open this chakra it is necessary to achieve the virtue of chastity. Located in the pelvis, it is related to the organs of the prostate and the uterus. It is influenced by the principle of the element of water, Apas, and confers the power to come out consciously in the conscious astral body, to overcome the fear of water and to have dominion over the water elementals. It is ruled by the Logos Raphael and the Planet Mercury.

Coccygeal Chakra

Sacral Chakra Vector Illustration

A marvellous four-petalled lotus flower which gives us the power to develop all the other chakras. The characteristics of the Coccygeal, Basic or Fundamental Chakra are: Sensitivity to life and the meaning of existence. Basis of instincts and physiological reactions. Connected to the sexual centre.

The prerequisite for opening this chakra is to attain the virtue of patience. Managing the creative energy requires the Patience of Saint Job. This chakra is located at the base of the spine, it is related to the internal glands of secretion of the testicles and ovaries. It is influenced by the principle of the earth element, Prithvi, and can give each person who balances and activates this chakra mastery over the elementals of the earth and control over earthquakes. It is ruled by the Logos Gabriel and the planet Moon.


Vocalisation of the vowel “S” activates this chakra. Its Sanskrit name is Muladhara. This is the Church of Ephesus, within this chakra is the Kundalini.

“The Church of Ephesus is a splendid four-petalled lotus. This church has the brilliance of ten thousand suns. The elemental earth of the wise is conquered through the power of this Church”.

V. M. Samael Aun Weor

Lungs Chakras

The lung chakras confer upon us the faculty of remembering our past lives. By activating the thymus gland, which is related to these chakras, we can also have eternal youth. The lung chakras are related to the thymus gland, which is located at the base of the neck and has a totally irregular shaped structure. It is closely linked to the mammary glands. That is why breast milk is completely irreplaceable, as this gland manages the vitality of the child.


The vocalization of the vowel “A” activates this chakra. When the thymus gland is active, the body does not age. The ancient medical sages said that the vowel “A”, when pronounced wisely, has the power to vibrate this gland. Those ancient physicians used the wise mantra which, unfortunately, became vulgarized, called ABRACADABRA. To keep the thymus gland active throughout life, they pronounced it 49 times.

“Endocrinological science must study the intimate relationship between music and the endocrine glands.

V. M. Samael Aun Weor
Seven chakras on meditating yogi man silhouette, vector illustration

How long does it take to develop my chakras?

Gradually we will find, as we practice the techniques given in the Gnostic teachings, that we gain new insights into our current circumstances. We will perceive the same situation in a different light as a result of our practice. Moreover, we will prepare our body, our mind and our emotions to experience that which has so far been unknown to us.

What are Mantras ?

Far beyond the world and consciousness there is found the principal cause of all existence: this is the Word, it is the Word that creates worlds. All things were made by Him; and without Him nothing that is made was made. The Word is a vibration, it is sound. Sound and motion are united; wherever there is motion, there is sound. The atoms of every organism are in constant motion and therefore emit their sound.

Every organism has a keynote which sustains its cells and so does the cosmos. The ensemble of all notes played in harmony is like an orchestra. It produces what the Pythagoreans called “music of the spheres”. The influence of sound is in everything that exists and we can improve our inner states through sound, through the mantrams, if we know how.

Mantram is a “word of power”. It is a wise combination of letters, whose sounds determine spiritual, psychic and physical effects. We can pronounce the sacred mantrams with the power of our creative larynx to make the chakras spin and activate their hidden powers.

Practice to develop Intuition:

Sitting comfortably, concentrating on the heart, imagining the heart as a radiant sun that illuminates us from head to toe, we vocalise the vowel “O” 19 (nineteen) times. This practice helps us to develop intuition and inspiration.

How can I use mantras to heal my body?

Gnostic medicine uses Mantrams: these are sacred words that produce physical, psychological or spiritual effects on our body when pronounced. Mantras are words of power that are repeated to achieve a result.

There is a mantram recommended by V.M. Samael Aun Weor, ONOS AGNES, a powerful mantram that can be used to alleviate any pain in the body. Mantric expressions should be part of our daily life, as they produce higher vibrations in us, they bring about an improvement in our moods and this results in an improvement on a physical, psychological and spiritual level.

Activating my Thymus gland:

The thymus gland is located at the very base of the neck, it has a structure of very irregular shape. It is closely related to the mammary glands. This explains why the mother’s milk is totally irreplaceable. The thymus gland regulates the vitality of the child.

Astrologers say that this gland is influenced by the Moon. The Gnostic sages wish to preserve the thymus gland and not let it fall into decrepitude, because after the human being becomes sexual mature, the thymus gland starts to fall into decrepitude. This has already been demonstrated. When this gland is active, the body does not age. The medical sages of antiquity said that the vowel A, when pronounced wisely, has the power to vibrate the thymus gland.

While seated, imagine this wonderful encounter of cosmic forces forming Solomon’s Seal in the thymus gland. Immersed indeep inner meditation, beg your Intimate to enter the Sidereal Temple of the main star of Cancer. Ask him to call the principal hierarchies of Cancer, so that your internal powers will be activated and this gland will be healed.. Vocalize the vowel A for one hour a day. (pronounce AAAA as in FAR)

Activating the Pineal gland:

In our organism exists a unique system of wireless communication. The pineal gland, located at the back of the brain, is the thought-emitting centre, the seat of the soul. And the solar plexus, located in the navel region, is the receptor antenna.

The pineal gland produces a hormone that regulates the development of the sexual organs. After maturity, it degenerates into fibrous tissue, ceasing its productivity.  Only through the wise use of the life-creating energies in the alchemical transmutation, is it possible to regenerate this gland.

This gland was well developed in the great geniuses of science, art, philosophy, etc. Those who are highly successful in business, or any given field, often have worked to develop this gland. The pineal gland has a close relationship with the sexual glands. Sexual potency depends on the pineal gland. The wise use of the life-creating energy through the Science of Transmutation strengthens this gland, enabling each person to be “Triumphant”.

Thought waves from a developed pineal gland are charged with strength, power and glory. These positive mental waves reach those around us through their receptor center (Solar Plexus) and the result is success and triumph in whatever we do.

Let us be triumphant, happy, sincere, inspired and full of enthusiasm!