Hermetic astrology allow us to change our destiny.

What is Hermetic Astrology?

Hermetic astrology is the science that allows us to work with the intelligence of each planet. Thus, we can affirm that it is the real wisdom of the Being. Because in this science we find deep knowledge about the cosmos and Mankind. Then, through studying hermetic astrology, we can understand how the occult features of the planets affect us. In fact, we are ruled by the hierarchies of planetary Genii, and not by the physical planet itself.

At the core of every sidereal sun, every planet, every lunar satellite or every comet, there is always a Heart-Temple, the sacred dwelling of a sidereal genie. Thus, all of infinity is a system of hearts, which is why Esoteric Astrology is the Religion of the Light and the Heart.

“The planets evolve, live and palpitate in our consciousness, and all the movements of the stars are registered in the authentic cosmographic map of the human organism”.


How does the energy of stars affect us?

The human organism constantly processes the energies coming from space to make our existence possible. In this way, stars influence all living beings in our planet and we can observe the influence of the moon on tides, agriculture, human instincts, etc. At the same time, planetary or sideral intelligences govern our destiny at all moments.

Then, if we learn to direct our life with wisdom and balance, we shall channel cosmic influences in a positive way. Consequently, we shall emanate harmony and integration with the universe, since the human body is a machine that can transform sidereal or cosmic energy. Whether we like it or not, from the beginning to the end of our lives sidereal stars influence and govern our destiny.

How do stars affect our consciousness?

The human organism is a living Zodiac in every one of its twelve constellations. However, our consciousness sleeps deeply. This is why we need to learn how to achieve, through super efforts, the awakening of consciousness in each of our twelve zodiac signs. Remember that: The microcosmos in a human being consists in the real knowledge of himself.

Within ourselves, there exists the whole universe. So, the Interior solar system is conquered with conscious works on oneself, eliminating from our interior universe the antagonistic or negative part of the twelve zodiacal constellations which live and express in our own consciousness.

Surprisingly, in ancient mythology this inner work was represented by the twelve labors of Hercules: the work with the twelve constellations, which leads to the final liberation and full awakening of the consciousness.

How can I benefit from learning astrology?

Hermetic astrology teaches us about the 12 constellations within microcosms.
“As it is above, it is below” – Hermes Trismegistus

In general, we can say that arithmetic astrology is based on mathematic calculations to define events based on the planetary positions. However, Gnostic esoteric astrology teaches us to work with the planetary hierarchies or genii of the stars. In this way, we learn to use sideral rays for our physical or spiritual advance.

Fortunatelly, we can change our destiny and work with the intelligence of the Planetary Genii for our wellbeing. Hermetic astrology is the science that allows us to work with the intelligence of each planet and it is the real wisdom of the Being. In this science, we find deep knowledge about the cosmos and Mankind.

Through studying hermetic astrology, we can understand that the occult qualities of the hierarchies of planetary Genii. They are the ones who influence all mental, psychic, emotional and spiritual faculties, and not by the physical planet itself. In the archaic language of esoteric astrology, a vast wisdom is hidden which reveals the laws of life, giving us perfect comprehension of the spiritual dimensions.

Unfortunately, the pseudoscientific advances of the 20th century brought about a process of division between the different Hermetic sciences: Astrology, Astronomy, Psychology, Theurgy, Alchemy, etc. All these sciences come from the same source of knowledge, but have developed distinctly.

“The astral word gives more favorable conditions for acquiring wisdom and practical knowledge, because this dimension possesses more freedom, in terms of time and space. Besides, we should remember that every phenomenon that exists in the physical world has already been manifested in the astral world”.

Samael Aun Weor

What is the zodiac and how can it help me to better know myself?

From the Greek zodiákos (“animal wheel”), the zodiac symbolically portrays the psychological, biological and physiological characteristics that lend subtle nuances to human behavior. In this way, we acquire the personality features related to the constellation that was uppermost in the sky at the time of birth.

Now, Each solar system has its own zodiacal belt and constellations. And since man is a zodiac, then each constellation is connected to a key element that gives it its features.

“It is really unfortunate that this living zodiac of the microcosm man sleeps so deeply. It becomes indispensable to achieve, the awakening of Consciousness, in each of our twelve zodiac signs. Light and Consciousness are two phenomena of the same thing. The lower the degree of Consciousness, the lower the degree of light; the greater the degree of Consciousness, the greater the degree of light.”

“We need to awaken Consciousness, to make each of the twelve parts of our own micro-cosmic Zodiac shine and twinkle. Our entire Zodiac must become light and splendor.”

– V. M. Samael Aun Weor
The meaning of the 12 constellations is within human conscience.

What is a constellation and what are the 12 constellations of the zodiac?

Constellations are groups of stars located on an imaginary line between two parallels of latitude. In this way, each constellation has different values and special features. In us, some of these features are positive, and some others are really harmful in our psychology.

  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces

Indeed, we have characteristics from all the constellations within ourselves, but specially from the stars under we were born. Then, to study the cosmic zodiac is a starting point to study our microcosm. Since man is a zodiac, within our consciousness we can find the zodiacal belt. In this way, we can understand how planets move, evolve and progress within our Consciousness.

“There is no point in knowing our zodiac sign if it is not to work on ourselves and eliminate our defects.”

Would you like to know about ancient Egyptian hermetic astrology? Then, don’t miss this video, and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel. Enjoy!

Don’t miss this documentary on ancient Egyptian hermetic astrology!

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