What is Gnostic Medicine?
- It is a SCIENCE because, through putting into practice the statements, hypotheses or theories, we can verify the results we need to obtain: healing.
- It is an ART, because every person who practices medicine has to have the vocation and sensitivity to heal people and to use their knowledge for the healing of their fellow men.
- It is a PHILOSOPHY because it contains Wisdom, the knowledge of the ancient and wise physicians who passed on this legacy to mankind. This wisdom always sees man as part of a creation made by a superior Being.
- It is HEALTHY FOOD because applying the principle of Master Hippocrates, who says: “let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”, we learn that true Medicine involves a healthy lifestyle and diet based on a change in what and how we eat.
True medicine is the one that, besides curing the physical, cures other emotional and mental conditions by acting upon the organism and also the internal structure of the human being. This is why Gnostic Medicine is the Art Inspired by Mother Nature, such as plants and their secrets. According to this model, in each individual there is a vital energy, a divine essence and an Inner Being. This Being expresses through the inner mind of the person. When the person has harmony, their physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health is defended and preserved.
Gnostic Medicine and Natural Medicine complement each other perfectly and use therapeutic methods for healing and preventing sickness, resulting in a longer and healthier life.
The nature of man is sevenfold, so healing cannot be achieved by merely treating the physical aspect. A true physician is one who has the ability to heal both body and soul. Few and very rare are those who know how to manage the science that governs us, in order to heal their patients. What appears in the physical body is a reflection of an ailment at the internal level. An illness shows us how we are badly related with ourselves.
“We do not suffer because we are sick, we get sick because we suffer”
We have to heal the soul if we want to be healed
What is Health according to Gnostic Medicine?
- Health is the state of being free from disease, whether of known or unknown causes.
- It is the efficient inflow of nutrients and outflow of waste (assimilation and elimination).
- It is the person whose internal energy (Prana, in India; or Chi, in ancient China) vibrates in harmony with the energy of all that surrounds him.
- It is harmony of body, mind and spirit.
- It is complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease (World Health Organisation – WHO).
- It is the Inner Being expressed in a harmonious and congruent way at the physiological, emotional, cognitive and spiritual level of the individual.
- Health is a gift given to us by Blessed Mother Nature, when we learn to live in harmony with our smaller brothers and sisters (plants and animals).
What are the therapeutic methods used by Natural Medicine?
They can be summarized as:
- Detoxification
- Regeneration
- Immunization
Detoxification is the removal of harmful substances from our organism, i.e. the cleansing of our organs and tissues through the five channels of elimination: the liver channel, the kidney channel, the intestinal channel, the lung channel and the skin.
Regeneration is the process of re-establishing, rebuilding and restoring our tissues, cells and organs when they are already in good condition. Good nutrition, good breathing and the correct use of our energies are used for the reconstruction of the tissues.
Immunisation aims to strengthen our immune system, which has the function or mission of protecting us from micro-organisms, pathogens, bacteria and viruses.
What is disease, according to Gnostic Medicine?
- Disease is a defined condition (illness, weakness, suffering), due to known or unknown causes.
- It is the direct result of an inability to live in harmony with the laws of nature.
- It is negative changes in the physical body, caused by imbalance with the laws of nature, and changes in the psychic sphere, resulting in toxins that damage the immune system.
- It is the breakdown of the connection (the organism’s response) between what is happening inside and outside, which dissipates the energy between the will to live and the will to die.
- It is the result of the expression of anti-values (ego) in the human being.
- It is the transgression of biological, natural and divine laws.
What are the requirements to receive the grace of healing others?
- To have a physical body.
- To have the five senses working: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
- To have a physical body that responds to healing.
- That we are willing to respect: God-Mother, God-Nature.
- That we are willing to transcend all our psychological defects.
- That we devote all the energy we produce to the improvement of the worn-out cells.
- To learn to comfort the sad and to help the needy in our daily life.
- To profoundly recognize that the drama of the Christ is the same drama which our Inner Christ has to enact.
- To be willing to renounce all that we have.
- To construct pure thoughts, pure emotions, inspirations, etc., in our consciousness each day.
The man or woman who is going to treat a sick person must understand that three graces must be present for healing to occur:
- The Gift of healing, which the Physician must have.
- The Grace of being healed, which the sick person must have.
- The presence of the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Life, must be in both (doctor and sick person).
Which are the 7 doctors of nature?
“The Seven Doctors of Nature are fundamental principles that, if taken as a standard in our life, will become a pattern that helps us to maintain a healthy state of balance”.
They are:
“Elementotherapy is a wonderful science that teaches the gnostic physician to handle the life force contained in the elementals of plants, which are the true healing agents. Plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Their roots serve as their stomach and with their semen they emulsify the elements of the earth, transforming them into ineffable arcana of the substance of God.”
Nature always seeks to maintain health in all her creations, therefore we need to integrate with Mother Nature and live within this natural order that sustains Life
“We must become aware that only by complying with the laws given by nature, will we have happiness and health in abundance”.
Dr. Olivo Cárdenas
How can the Oxigen help me heal?
Every cell in the human body needs a certain amount of oxygen. Poor oxygenation of the brain can lead to feelings of fatigue, despondency and slowed brain activity. For a healthy life, clean air rich in oxygen is as essential as food and water.
- Prana is made of the most varied elemental substances of nature, and can be used to heal our body and mind.
How can Water help me heal?
Water is what sustains life on our planet, it is the main solvent and indispensable component in almost all biochemical processes. Water is essential for the development of life. The human body contains between 50 and 65% water, 20% of our bones are composed of water and approximately 75% of our muscle composition is water.
- You need to drink enough water everyday so the body can run its functions without difficulties. also, swimming in clean streams of water or in the sea is a very healthy practice to strengthen the immune system and fight many illnesses.
How can the Earth help me heal?
The earth is rich in minerals, it sustains and nourishes life through its many fruits. However, it offers us much more: its therapeutic properties, which should not be ignored. The use of soil as a medicinal treatment is very ancient. It is considered one of the first remedies offered to us by Mother Nature.
- The use of clay, burying ourselves in the earth, taking clay baths are recommended for the elimination of toxins and also to re-mineralise the organism.
How can the Sun help me heal?
In esotericism, the Sun represents Life itself. The healing power of the sun has been known since ancient times. Physicians such as Hippocrates, Paracelsus and others recognized the beneficial effects of sunlight in strengthening the body and activating healing mechanisms.
- It is recommended every morning to greet the sun with this prayer:
“Invisible Spiritual Sun, Divine Word, You who are within and without me. Give me your Light, give me your Love, give me your Strength, so that I may unite with You and love my neighbour as myself”.
How can I heal by eating healthily?
Ancient wisdom classifies foods according to their qualities:
Sattwic: these possess 100% of the vital principles. These are freshly harvested and unprocessed foods (raw foods such as fruits and vegetables). They contribute to the revitalisation of our energy, hormonal and metabolic system.
Rajasic: these still contain 50% of their vital principles, but have harmful substances that cause damage to the organism. Very spicy, salty, sweet, sour, hot or cold foods are some examples of rajasic foods.
Tamasic: these foods have no vitality and make a person clumsy, lazy and lacking in motivation.
- Tamasic foods are all processed, refined, processed, frozen, cured and canned foods. What we eat nourishes our physical and emotional life. If we want to live a balanced life, we have to take good care of our diet.
What is the importance of exercise for health?
Designed to activate and regulate blood circulation in the body, exercise is directly related to health and life. When we move, we ensure fresh blood for our tissues and organs, as well as removing toxins from the body. The important point is that physical exercise should be enjoyable and not exhausting.
- Walks in the fresh air in parks, forests and on beaches bring about a greater feeling of well-being.
What are the elementals of Nature?
Nature is a living being ruled by the Blessed Goddess Mother Nature. Every mineral, plant and animal is the physical body of an Elemental, with its own intelligence, that can help us to have more peace and harmony. Trees, flowers and herbs are all elemental creatures of the plant kingdom and each represents certain powers of the Blessed Goddess Mother Nature.
Paracelsus reminds us that Medicine is based on Nature, Nature is Medicine, and in her alone should man seek it. This is why another great ally of good health are natural therapies. Mother Nature provides us with medicinal plants to cure any illness, but for this to happen we need to take care of the planet with a lot of love.
This is the first step to integrate ourselves with all animals and plants, and to respect them.
Some elementals and its properties:
- Spikenard elemental: love, inspiration, friendship.
- Cinnamon Elemental: helps us to develop optimism and joy.
- Myrrh elemental: related to justice, the Absolute and the mysteries of death, so as to be born.
- Mint elemental: develops memory and remembrance of past lives.
- Aloe Vera Elemental: aids in the protection of our home, stomach ailments, consciously going out in the astral body (lucid dreaming).
How do the four elements of Nature affect our health?
Each one of the four elements governs certain aspects in us, we need to know how they influence our inner nature and then master them, in order to step on the upper rungs of the wonderful ladder, the spiritual path.
Every atom in our physical body has matter, energy and consciousness. Each atom is an atomic intelligence, the consciousness of these atoms are the elementals of our Inner Nature. The elementals of our Inner Nature have positive aspects and when they are unbalanced, negative aspects. Each Element governs certain aspects in us, we need to know how they influence our inner nature and then, in order to be able to step onto higher rungs of the marvelous ladder, the spiritual path.
Nowadays, due to the fact that man is disconnected from his spiritual essence, he does not have the power to govern the Elementals of Nature. It is essential to master the elements of our inner world, so that we can once again become rulers of nature and lords of the elemental forces.
Therefore, in addition to looking after the external environment (seas, rivers, air, earth, forests, etc.), it is necessary to purify our own particular environment: our body, emotions and mind.
Physical and Metaphysical manifestation of the elements in the human organism:
Earth Element:
- Physical: in the form of minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, etc.)
- Metaphysical: our own body.
Water Element
- Physical: 70% of our organism is composed of water.
- Metaphysical: vitality.
Air Element
- Physical: our vital air.
- Metaphysical: emotions.
Fire Element
- Physical: digestive processes.
- Metaphysical: thoughts.
How to dominate the Earth Element
- Colour: yellow
- Regency: from the feet to the knees
- Mantram: LA
Positive aspects of the earth element: willpower, mysticism, steady re-evaluation of the spiritual path.
Negative aspects of the earth element: laziness, inertia, ill will, attachments, materialism. It also generates excessive attachment and placing too much value on something (beyond what it is really worth).
We must overcome the elements through their strength while never letting their weaknesses dominate us. To dominate element Earth we must overcome inertia and ill will; develop willpower and mysticism.
How to dominate the Fire Element:
- Colour: red
- Regency: from the sexual organs to the heart
- Mantra: RA
Positive aspects of the fire element: serenity in the face of events, mastering stress and irritability, strength, courage to walk the path.
Negative aspects of the fire element: irritation, envy, anger, violent reactions, aggressive words, lack of control over destructive thoughts, wounded pride, haughtiness and arrogance.
We must overcome the elementals through their strength and never let their weaknesses dominate us. To dominate element fire we need to stop being impulsive; to overcome hatred, anger, envy; to develop serenity in the face of events.
How to dominate the Water Element:
- Colour: white
- Regency: from the knees to the sexual organs.
- Mantram: VA
The water element is directly related to our energies. Chastity is the wise management of our own energies and its antithesis is fornication (energy losses occurring through negative thoughts and emotions). Certain aspects of the water element within us relate to purity, both in the way we act and in the way we think and feel about the world or the people around us, meaning it also relates to emotions.
Another aspect we can also mention is the ability to adapt to the different events we fase throughout our lives, as this is a mysterious quality of water: it adapts to whatever vessel / space it is put in. We must understand that without Energy we cannot walk the path, we make no progress on the Spiritual Path.
Positive aspects of the water element in us: element water give us beauty, adaptability, harmony, happiness, mastery of emotions.
- Negative aspects of the water element in us: exaggerated sentimentality or a changeable person, emotionally cold, negative emotions, lack of purity in the way of thinking, feeling and acting.
We must overcome the elementals through their strength and never let their weaknesses dominate us. To dominate element water we should eliminate negative emotions; stop being soft, cold and fickle; develop chastity.
How to dominate the Air Element:
- Colour: blue
- Regency: from the heart to the pituitary gland
- Mantras: YA
Positive aspects of the air element: mental stillness, mastery of the mind, concentration, continuity of purpose, dynamism, open-mindedness, new ideas, intelligence, speed, movement.
Negative aspects of the element Air: The air element represents movement. You can think of a tornado out of control doing a lot of damage; remember this example when you consider the results of the imbalance of the air element in your psyche. It manifests in a very mental person, plans remain only ideas, wandering thoughts, mental confusion, restless mind, lack of concentration. It makes us restless in a negative way, an unsettled mind, without peace and harmony. It is a mind that is driven by innumerable psychological processes, which do not stop just because you want them to.
We must overcome the elementals through their strength and never let their weaknesses dominate us. We need to apply our willpower to bring this powerful element of Air into balance in our life. To dominate element Air we must control our thoughts, put our mind to work, stop being fickle and capricious.
- Practice for success:
Every morning, before you get up, say with strength and energy, “We are strong. We are rich. We are filled with luck and harmony. OM … OM … OM … “
This mantric expression has the ability to help us create favourable circumstances for our daily projects and activities.
How can we restore our natural connection to Mother Nature?
Planet Earth is our home, so this is a day for reflection, repentance and asking for forgiveness from our Planet Earth. It is the ideal time to review and rethink our attitudes towards this home that shelters us. Let’s change our behaviour, let’s love her and take care of her!
“Blessed is the Son of Light who knows his Mother Earth. Know that your Mother Earth is in you and you are in Her. It was She who bore you and gave you life and this body, which one day you must return to Her.”
“Know that the blood that flows in your veins was born of the blood of your Mother Earth. Her blood falls from the clouds, flows from her womb, bubbles from the mountain streams, flows abundantly in the rivers in the plains.”
“Know that the air you breathe is born of the breath of your Mother Earth. Her breath is the azure blue of the heavens and the rustling of the leaves of the forest. Know that the hardness of your bones was created from Her bones. Know that the softness of your flesh was born from Her flesh.”
“The light of your eyes, the reach of your ears, were born from the colours and sounds of your Mother Earth. The One who surrounds you made the waves of the ocean that envelopes the fish, even as the air that vibrates and sustains the bird. Truly I tell you, you are ONE with your Mother Earth. She is in you and you are in Her. Therefore, follow Her Laws, for your breath is Her breath!”
“No one can be a scientist if he does not look to the Work of God: Nature, for inspiration”
VM Lakhsmi Daimon
Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, understood that the physician is the one who treats, but nature is the one who heals. Humankind has always been cared for by Mother Nature and depended on her, in all her expressions and manifestation.
Contact with nature is a medicine and is essential to help heal the body, mind and soul. It is scientifically proven that contact with nature significantly reduces the levels of cortisol in the body, known as the stress hormone. Gnostic Wisdom recommends that we integrate with Mother Nature at least once a week.