
Why is it difficult for us to be happy?

We all want happiness but we do not have it. We want to be happy, but it is not possible to be happy in a world of complication. It is not possible to be happy within this machinery of relativity.

Let us remember that the psychological ”I” is blind, it is a book of many volumes and it is subject to the laws of cause and effect. It is time to think of freeing ourselves from karma, freeing ourselves from this painful world, from this infernal machinery. It is time for us to think of the true happiness of the Great Reality. For that, it is necessary to change the way we think, so that we can work on ourselves and liberate the Consciousness.

How can we attain happiness?

Happiness is an attribute that is acquired when we understand that we are not poor when we have little, but when we aspire to too much. That being alone is not when we are unaccompanied, but when we forget our Real Being (“God”). That not being loved is not when someone does not love you, but when you do not know how to love.

Happiness comes to the human being when we do not allow desires, instincts and pleasures to take a more prominent place in us than the one we give to God.

V. M. Lakhsmi Daimon

Everyone says they seek happiness, but happiness is just another word for love. Joy arises from within. It is a feeling of fullness and satisfaction that comes from inside us as a result of inner harmony and balance. We cannot feel joy as long as we live like a leaf in the wind, being blown from one extreme to the other: triumph-defeat, enjoyment-disgust, pleasure-pain, failure-success, this-that, and so on. These states constitute the battle of opposites on which the ego is founded.

Why do we lose enthusiasm?

All pain, suffering, sorrow, etc are simply the consequences of the sleep of our consciousness. When we live life just as it is, without expectations of any kind, we experience the easing of our tensions, the end of our worries. For in serenity and harmony the divine is present. Let us work and rest happily, abandoning ourselves to the course of life. Let us drain the turbid and rotten water of habitual thinking and into the emptiness will flow Gnosis and, with it, the joy of living.

Enthusiasm is the divine force that dwells within us. It is the engine that propels us, drives us to move forward and overcome the adversities and difficulties of life. We can tell the age of a person by their enthusiasm: an old man has no enthusiasm for anything and finds everything difficult and impossible. Years may wrinkle the skin but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

How to be happy in the middle of difficulties?

Lakhsmi Daimon gives us a precious key for times of discouragement: “…when the human being is subjected to the presence of disruptive elements in his psyche and mind, there is no choice but to employ Wisdom, Love and Will. Wisdom to understand the situation; Love not to infect others with this situation and the Will to act solidly and firmly to deal with the problem.

If we are balanced, based on a solid work of self-knowledge, and see adverse situations with enthusiasm and joy, we will be able to overcome the greatest obstacles. In this way, guided by this inner force that drives and guides us, we will achieve great feats, and awaken in us the hidden majesty of our internal beauty!”

How can faith help me to be happy?

Those who have true faith do not need to believe. Those who have faith become ineffable beings, because they live differently; all of us should live like this:

  • If we are insulted, give a smile in return,
  • If we are cursed, bless;
  • If we are scorned, return kindness.

Hatred has never conquered hatred, nor has spite conquered spite, much less has ignorance conquered ignorance. It is kindness that overcomes hatred, it is generosity that overcomes selfishness, it is wisdom that overcomes ignorance.

  • Don’t expect others to do the right thing first.

If you do, and the other person does the same, then the cycle of violence will never end; instead be the example of what you hope for, be the change you want to see in the world, the end of violence and intolerance.

It is not a question of believing or not believing, the important thing is to study, to analyse, to experience. When the intellectual man says, “I don’t believe in that”, he is showing that he is a superstitious person. The cultured, studious, analytical man says: “I am going to study it, I am going to experiment, I am going to analyse”.

V. M. Samael Aun Weor

A transcendental maxim: “Take up the shield of your faith and go forward with a determined step, whether it be with the wind or against all winds”. Inspiration teaches us that within each of us lives and pulsates a divine aspect which has the power to radically transform us provided we understand and act in accordance with God’s desiderata.