Common dreams, Lucid Dreams and Astral Unfolding

What is the astral world?

Did you know that it is possible to consciously Access the “dream world”? This is the fifth dimension of nature: the Astral world. When we sleep, we separate from our physical body and have different, true experiences in this dimension of nature. However, we may not always be aware of this.

We all know that in nature there are 3 dimensions: length, width and height. These dimensions are what we can see, hear and feel. However, nature has other dimensions that we cannot see or hear, but we can know them. One of these dimensions is the ASTRAL WORLD, also called the fifth dimension of nature. This is the dimension we go to when we sleep. During this process, we lie down, we fall asleep and our consciousness separates from the physical body and we then roam the 5th dimension.

The astral world has fewer laws than the physical world. That is why in that dimension you can fly, pass through walls and move from one spot on the planet to another in an instant, as there are no barriers of time and space.

Why are we unconscious each night in the astral world?

The greatest hindrance to going out into the astral is having the consciousness asleep. Our Essence, our Consciousness, is trapped, bottled up in the egos we have. It is evident and manifest that when Consciousness awakens, the problem of voluntary unfolding ceases to exist.

We live in this world for a reason, for some special factor. Obviously, there are many things in us that we need to discover, study and understand, if we really want to know something about ourselves, about our own life.

Tragic is the existence of the one who dies without having known the reason for his life. Each one of us must discover for ourselves the meaning of our own life, that which keeps us imprisoned in the jail of pain.

V. M. Samael Aun Weor

Is the world of dreams a dangerous dimension?

No, it is not. Because every human being goes out in their astral body during sleep. The only difference is that we don’t do it consciously. However, by awakening our consciousness during ordinary sleep, we can uncover the great mysteries of life and death.

Is death the same as being asleep?

When we fall asleep and the Astral Body leaves the Physical Body, the two bodies remain connected by a Silver Cord. This cord is like a ray of light, it is situated in the solar plexus, at the navel … The Astral Body also leaves the Physical Body behind at the moment of death, the only difference is that a Higher Being, a being who has been assigned this task, severs the Silver Cord … After that, the Physical Body is taken to its grave and the Astral Body continues in the world of dreams, until it takes another Physical Body, when it is born again….

If man would begin to be more consciously interested in the small cycle of recurring events in his personal life, then he could see for himself, through direct mystical experience, that in his nightly sleep the same mathematical operation of death is ever repeating itself. Each of us is a mathematical point in space, serving as a vehicle for a certain sum of values, good or bad. Death is a subtraction of fractions; when the mathematical operation is finished, all that remains are the values (black or white).

In the absence of the physical body, during normal sleep, the values, immersed in the Astral Light, attract and repel each other according to the laws of universal magnetism. The return to the waking state implies, in fact and in its own right, the return of the values into the physical body.

Why should I study my dreams?

Undoubtedly, throughout the centuries, dreams have had great significance in people’s lives; thus it is that the Greeks gave such tremendous importance to dreams, because they often foretell the destiny and future processes of the individual. Plato, for example, said that man knows himself through his dreams.

It is undeniable that anyone who really wants to progress in the process of self-knowledge must not be blind to the inner world of dreams, for they reveal the steps to be taken on their path. If a person truly wants to be an investigator of the greater realities of the dream world, he must first know his inner world: his thoughts, ideas, emotions, desires, hopes, disappointments and so on.

The key to self-discovery is direct self-observation. As the person becomes more aware, understands the need for change and practices the Gnostic teachings, dreams become clearer and clearer, as they reflect our own inner evolution. It is necessary for US to learn to interpret our inner experiences. By studying the Book of Daniel in the Bible, we can learn to interpret our inner experiences.

Really, the remembrance of dreams is very important because our dreams tell us what we are. It must be understood that in the mind should be only the Being; that the mind should become a temple where the Being, and none but the Being, officiates. That is all. Unfortunately, mental representations make the world of our dreams confused and obscure. If our dreams are absurd and incoherent, we need to urgently cleanse the Mind.

How can I learn to undestand my dreams?

We cannot interpret our astral experiences literally. It is necessary to learn to meditate, to develop our sense of imagination, inspiration and intuition. Only with these three principles will we reach a wise interpretation of our dreams.

To develop INSPIRATION it is necessary to learn to control the process of mental meandering, in other words, to stop being a thinker. We need to think with the heart and feel with the mind. Experiences in the dream world are often difficult to interpret, so learning to have an INSPIRED mind is key to AWAKENING CONSCIOUSNESS. In this way, we will have inner light to illuminate our path.

“An inspired mind, a heart full of love”.

 V. M. Lakhsmi Daimon

How can I interpret the symbols of dreams?

On our journey of self-discovery, answers to our questions can be found within us in a number of ways. One of them is: in our dreams. Dream language has to be interpreted like a parable. But how do we interpret this language?

Dreams are related to each of the psychic centers of the human organism: intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual. The most important ones, which are related to the intimate experiences of the Being, are associated with the higher emotional center and the higher mental center.

In general, most dreams are related to the instinctive and motor centers, which are merely echoes of sensations and movements of our daily experiences. When recalling our dreams, it is important to ask ourselves: What emotions did we feel? What mental reactions did we have? What were our actions? What instinctive sensations were dominant? These questions will help us to understand which psychological defect is manifesting and in which center.

What can I do to remember my dreams?

Upon awakening from normal sleep, you should do a retrospective exercise on the dream process, to remember all the places you visited during the hours of sleep. We know that the Ego travels a great deal and it is necessary to remember where we have been and all that we have seen and heard.

The Masters instruct their disciples when they are out of the physical body. It is urgent to know how to meditate deeply and then to practice what we learn during the hours of sleep. It is necessary to not move at the moment of awakening, because with such movement the astral is agitated and memories are lost. It is urgent to combine the retrospective exercises with the following Mantrams:

RAOM GAOM. Each word is divided into two syllables. The vowel O must be stressed. RAAAA … OMMMM … GAAAA … OMMM …

These Mantrams are to the student what dynamite is to the miner. Just as the miner breaks open the insides of the earth with the help of dynamite, so too the student will open a path to the memories of the subconscious with the help of these mantrams.

He who awakens Consciousness becomes a competent investigator of the higher worlds. During sleep, the ego escapes from the physical body. Therefore, a state of constant vigilance is necessary. It is urgent to remember oneself, especially in the presence of any representation that may fascinate us. Upon awakening from regular sleep, each person should do a retrospective exercise on the process of sleep, to remember all those places he or she visited during the hours of sleep. We know that the Ego travels a lot and it is necessary to remember where we have been and all that we have seen and heard.

What types of dreams do there exist?

There are many kinds of dreams and every dream, however insignificant it may seem, even if it is absurd or incoherent, has some meaning. If we look closely at our dream-related experiences, most of them are repetitions of our habits or of our work routine, of our day-to-day life. Almost all dreams are linked to the instinctive-motor center, i.e. they are echoes of things we saw in the day, simple sensations and movements, mere repetition of what we experience on a daily basis.

Dreams can also be connected to experiences related to the intellectual, emotional and sexual centers. The most important messages we receive in our dreams are linked to the higher centers: higher emotional and higher mental. They are called “lucid dreams”. In these types of experiences, the higher centers are fully developed in us and transmit to us the messages of our Being in the physical plane and in dreams.

We must learn to consciously grasp a key, which is to listen to our “hunches”. In other words, a feeling that comes through the heart, which is of utmost importance, in order to eliminate psychological defects from our inner nature, and to awaken consciousness in the dream world!

Types of common dreams:

To know our dreams is to know ourselves. When we sleep, we separate from our physical body and become immersed in our astral vehicle. And, contrary to what many people believe, we have real experiences in the astral world. Generally, we project our own subconscious into this world and do not realize that most of the time these are ” common dreams “.


  • Unconscious: our desires and simple mental representations manifest themselves.
  • Subconscious: we remember situations related to our past, upbringing and life circumstances.
  • Relating to the centres of the Human Machine: these are dreams where we repeat our day-to-day actions.
  • Projections of the ego: these are just projections of the unconscious and subconscious.

What are lucid dreams?

Dreams are as palpable a reality as the physical world. Lucid dreams are closely related to the mysteries of human consciousness, and are known to many different cultures.  Moreover, this intriguing subject has been extensively studied and researched by many historians, scientists and psychologists. For example, Carl G. Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, personally verified the reality of this Phenomenon.

 There are numerous techniques for conscious astral projection or simply for “waking up” in a dream (lucid dreaming). They all concur on one main point: the key is to intelligently combine sleep and concentration, in perfect balance.

 “I would never have imagined that this kind of experience was possible. It was not the product of my fantasy. What I saw and participated in was absolutely true, nothing was subjective and everything had the quality of complete objectivity”.

Carl G. Jung

Types of lucid dreams:

Once we are able to experience lucid dreaming, many benefits occur. A lucid dream is a vivid and real experience in the astral plane (5th dimension of nature).

Types of lucid DREAMS:

  • Symbolic: they have symbolic messages that help us to know ourselves.
  • Premonitory and Prophetic: are advance experiences of a future event. For example: déjà vu.
  • Conscious: discerning dreams, the person knows what they are dreaming and where they are.
  • Supraconscious: high vibrations, spiritual experiences.

What is an Astral unfolding?

Astral projection is extremely simple. It is a natural phenomenon like eating, drinking, walking, etc.  When the physical body goes to sleep, the soulleaves it behind and travels all over. Astral unfoldment is a natural key that allows us to open the doors to a knowledge that few have access to. When we are conscious in the dream world, we can unravel the mysteries of life and death.

The human being has within himself all the possibilities to obtain such knowledge which is absolutely practical. All that is required is willpower and discipline. This enables us to experience directly and to verify the reality of other dimensions, which have never been reached before.

How can I experiment an astral unfold?

There is a key to awakening consciousness during sleep. This key to awakening consciousness is discernment, which should be done in the following way. During the day, we must ask ourselves: Am I in my physical body, or am I out of the body? Then make a small jump with the intention of floating in space and, if you do, you are out of your physical body. Then, floating in space, go wherever your heart takes you.

V.M. Samael narrates one of his astral experiences: “…in the garden, I took a long jump with the intention of floating in the surrounding environment. Great was my astonishment when I proved to myself that I was actually outside the physical body. Then I realized that I was in the Astral”.

Technique for astral projection:

There are several techniques that can help us in this process. There is a very simple practice that consists of asking ourselves during the day, while we are awake, if we are in the astral plane or in the physical plane at that moment. After questioning, we have to check. One of the ways to do this is to pull the tip of a finger, with the intention of stretching it, because when we are in the astral, our body is malleable and our finger will actually stretch. Thus, we will be able to check whether we are in the astral plane or in the physical plane at that moment.

When we get used to doing this self-questioning while we are awake, at night, when we are in the astral, we will end up asking ourselves this same question and we will be able to consciously experience the astral plane.

What can I do to stay awake in my dreams all the time?

The most important thing is to stop dreaming, to put an end to the projections of the ego in the mind. We need to make the subconscious conscious, eliminating not only dreams, but even the possibility of dreaming. But what do we need to eliminate? The first step is to understand the psychological defect and its Deep significance, through meditating to know our psychological errors. This is how we “die psychologically” from moment to moment.

Another fundamental point is to understand that even when we are “awake”, we dream. The best practice to become awake in the astral is to live each moment, eliminating each of our defects. Only then will we be able to differentiate dreams from mystical experiences. Mystical experiences require states of alertness and are found in the superior worlds.

How can I combine meditation with astral unfolding?

It is possible to combine meditation with conscious astral projection. The person should find a comfortable position, so that the body is relaxed and comfortable. It can be sitting, lying down in the dead man’s position or in a star-shaped position. For us westerners, the lotus position is a little more difficult, but if your body allows you to relax in this position do as you prefer, the important thing is to reach the state of MEDITATION.

In this comfortable position, breathe deeply, relax your body well. Try not to have a full stomach when meditating, especially in the evening. Concentrate on your heart, feel its beat, seek to silence the mind, pray, integrate with your Innermost: “My Father, I want to be at your feet, I want to see you, I want to hear your voice, help me…”. Utter the most tender words that come from the heart. If you are following our studies this month, you should have observed the mantrams and keys to astral projection. Select the one you are most familiar with and practice it, combining it with MEDITATION.

For example, the MANTRAM FARAON, which is pronounced as follows: FAAAAAAAA … RAAAAAAA… ONNNNNNN … … Vocalize until you reach a state of drowsiness (between sleep and wakefulness), then stand up and jump. If you float, you are experiencing a real, conscious astral unfolding. Have faith and continuity of purpose, and you Will triumph!

Tips for astral projection:

Gnosis gives us practices that help us to have direct mystical experiences, and one of these is the discipline of Dream Yoga. The steps are simple:

  • Keep your bed linen and bedroom fresh, clean and sweet smelling at all times.
  • If possible, place the bed pointing north.
  • Use a comfortable mattress, neither too hard nor too soft.
  • Always keep a notebook and pen near the bed.
  • Lie down with your hands on your solar plexus, relax physically and mentally, concentrating on Morpheus (the god of sleep), asking him to wake you up in the super-sensible worlds.
  • When you feel drowsy, you should lie on your right side, raise your legs until your knees bend, place your cheek on your right palm and let your left arm rest on the leg on the same side.
  • Upon awakening, lie still, avoid sudden movements.
  • Write down the details of your dream(s). This practice helps us to wake up consciously in the Astral.

What is the chakra I need to develop to for astral projections?

The prostatic (for men) and uterine (for women) chakra is related to the faculty of conscious astral projection. To develop this chakra, there is a very simple practice:

  • We sit in a comfortable position and close our eyes.
  • We concentrate on the region of the prostate / uterus
  • We imagine a disc of orange colour in the region of the prostate or the uterus.
  • Well concentrated, we chant the mantram M (mmmmm …) for 1 hour.

Daily repetition of this practice is recommended so that, through our own experience, we can experience the development of this chakra and its faculties.

What mantras can I pronounce to astral project?

The wise phonetic combination of certain sounds produces physical, psychic and spiritual effects. We are talking about mantrams, words of power whose vibrations awaken powers that we have within us. We know some mantrams that help us to become conscious in the astral when we vocalize them when we go to sleep:

  • FA … RA … ON …
  • LA … RA … SSSSS …
  • TAI … RE … RE … RE …
  • RUSTI …
  • EGIPTO …

How do I use imagination to astral unfold?

We must distinguish between intentional imagination and mechanical imagination. Mechanical imagination ends up as fantasy. The key to power lies in uniting will and imagination in vibrant harmony. Conscious Imagination operates as the eyes of the Soul, there is nothing more powerful than the Imagination when it is governed by Consciousness.

There is a key to Astral travel and it is quick: on waking from ordinary sleep, close your eyes without moving and, with your eyes closed, vividly imagine any place (but do not imagine that you are imagining). It is necessary to translate this into action, to feel completely sure of being in the imagined place, uniting will with imagination, and logically, if this union is achieved, the result is triumph. Put your imagination into action and walk with faith in the place you are imagining.

If the practice is carried out and the combination of Will and Imagination is achieved, without moving in bed, retaining sleepiness and Imagination, putting the Will into action, walking with a firm step, you can go wherever you want to go.