

Why is it difficult for us to be happy? We all want happiness but we do not have it. We want to be happy, but it is not possible to be happy in a world of complication. It is not possible to be happy within this machinery of relativity. Let us remember that the psychological

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Healing Through Nature

What is Gnostic Medicine? It is a SCIENCE because, through putting into practice the statements, hypotheses or theories, we can verify the results we need to obtain: healing. It is an ART, because every person who practices medicine has to have the vocation and sensitivity to heal people and to use their knowledge for the

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Gnosis in Ancient Egypt

How were ancient Egyptians? The Egyptians were a model society of balance and justice. In their golden age, they built a society where peace, wisdom and happiness reigned. They understood that God, the Universe and Man form a unity. They had a vast and profound spiritual, scientific and all-round knowledge of natural and cosmic phenomena,

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What is Gnosis?

The term GNOSIS comes from the Greek and means KNOWLEDGE, an ancient, superior, profound knowledge, obtained by direct observation, by one’s own experience. Gnosis is the knowledge of a transcendental and transformative wisdom, to turn man into an authentic human being. Gnosis is the doctrine of synthesis. It is the origin of all philosophical, scientific,

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